Radio Programs: A tool to educate young people on SRHR

Radio programs continue to remain one of the mediums through which the Sustainable Impact and Development…

SID Initiative educates teenagers on SRHR at the In-Charge program

The Executive Director of Sustainable Impact and Development Initiative (SID Initiative) in the person of Ms.…

SID Initiative advocates for Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Young People via Radio Programs

Sustainable Impact and Development Initiative embarked on a radio advocacy campaign in Lagos State, Nigeria calling…

International Youth Day 2019: SDG Network Ogun State Chapter

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Network, Ogun State Chapter celebrated the International Youth Day event on…

Capacity Building Workshop for SID Initiative Team

The Sustainable Impact and Development Initiative organized its first capacity building workshop for the management team…

SID Initiative participate in the 1st National Conference on Adolescent Health 2019

The Sustainable Impact and Development Initiative participated in the 1st National Conference on Adolescent Health (NCAH)…